Asher Holman

Small Batch Glass

"My creative journey is an exploration of form, pattern, and color. I am continually captivated by this molten material, and it is in this medium that I find my artistic voice. The processes I employ are a testament to the rich heritage of Venetian glass techniques, which I infuse with my contemporary spirit to craft captivating and innovative works of art that transcend time and culture."

Asher Holman’s blown works serve as a testament to the enduring influence of scientific innovation and the craftsmanship of skilled artisans. These concepts seem almost polar to one another, but through the medium of blown glass he seeks to marry them. Specifically as these concepts relate to significant man-made constructs, thematically represented in these works through topographical maps.

Working with a fluid honey-like material that is over 2000 degrees requires both precision, strength, and intention. Asher draws inspiration from a rich history of glassmaking, ranging from traditional Venetian craftsmanship to contemporary American innovations. The techniques he uses to create the patterns and effects in these works involve stretching, twisting, and layering the molten glass.

Asher Holman grew up in San Francisco and was first exposed to glass-blowing at Public Glass, a local arts non-profit, when he was 16. Drawn in by the dynamic community of artists and the physicality of the medium, he began down the road of pursuing a career as a glass artist. In 2017 he received his BA at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, with a major in studio art focused in glass. While at Centre he studied under and worked for the world renowned glass artist Stephen Rolf Powell, a major influence and mentor for Asher. Throughout his college years he attended summer classes at Pilchuck Glass School in Seattle, worked as an intern for Public Glass, and learned from a master glassmaker in Murano, Italy. After graduating, Asher moved to Asheville where he was employed as a professional glass artist for six years. In 2023 he opened his own studio, Small Batch Glass.

Selected Exhibitions & Awards
Glasshaus Grand Opening, Nashville, TN, 2023
Artist in Residence, Small Batch Glass, 2022-Present
Geometry of Nature, North Carolina Glass Center, Asheville, NC, 2023
Glassville, Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC, 2021
Mostly Sunny, Trifecta Gallery, Lexington, KY, 2023